Upon installation, the .ini setting AntigenAveExts= is created in the .ini file and populated with the following file extensions: .386.ACM.ACV.ADT.AX.BAT.BIN.BTM.CBT.CLA.COM.CPL.CSC.CSH.DLL.DOC.DOT.DRV.EXE.HLP.HTA.HTM.HTT.INF.JS.JSE.JTD.MDB.MP?.MSO.N?F.NS?.OBD.OBT.OCX.OND.OV?.PIF.PL.PM.POT.PPS.PPT.PRC.RTF.SCR.SH.SHB.SHS.SMM.SYS.UUE.VBE.VBS.VSD.VSS.VST.VXD.WSF.WSH.XL?.
You may add extensions to this list if new potentially dangerous file types arise.
Note: Be aware this line may not exceed 255 Characters in length, else all extentions beyond the 255th Character will be ignored. Use wildcards to decrease the length of the line