Notes.ini Entry




    DPABRemoveRule=comma separated pattern names

Applies to:



    First Release:


    Obsolete since:


        Client Config



      UI equivalent:

        There is no kown UI setting for this notes.ini variable. But you can specify this setting in the notes.ini settings tab of the configuration settings document.

      In 852, the existing notes.ini DPABRemoveRule=<comma separated pattern names> will also remove those contacts matching the pattern names from recent contact views.

      Excluding addresses from Recent Contacts

      The notes.ini setting DPABRemoveRule= is the primary Recent Contacts filter list.

      If the user wanted to filter out all the addresses from the widget company. All of those addresses contain a sub-string of widget. For example, etc. Setting DPABRemoveRule=widget will cause Notes to ignore all the widget addresses when creating Recent Contact entries. Now if the user also wanted Notes to ignore the addresses from the foobar company they would add foobar to the list separated by a comma. DPABRemoveRule=widget, foobar.

      In addition to the DPABRemoveRule list, the user can set Notes.ini DPABRemoveRuleSetting=1.

      When DPABRemoveRuleSetting=1 is set, the addresses containing sub-strings =exchange and /exchange will also be filtered out without being explicitly added to the list by the user.

      In 85 and 851, this ini only works for future additions, meaning it wont add names following that pattern. In 852, we remove the existings ones as well.

      DPABRemoveRule=widget, fooba

      NOTE: Starting in Notes 8.5.1 Fix Pack 4, the DPABRemoveRule ini setting will be able to detect and automatically eliminate duplicate entries already in Recent Contacts (Fix Details: SPR# YGAO7QQHPD)

      Also, Setting the DPABRemoveRule=xxx will not allow address containing xxx to be added to recent contacts. In addition, when recent contact sync runs, the recent contacts with addresses containing xxx will be removed.

      Normally Recent Contacts Sync happens once per week.
      Recent contacts Sync is related to Notes.ini
      NEXTDPABSYNC=06/02/2011 03:37:09 PM default is at promote time when not present
      DPAB_PROMOTE_INC=30 defaults 30 minutes when not present
      NABEntriesSyncInterval=7*24*60 defaults 7 days in minutes when not present.
      **Note: changing this variable impacts server performance**

      Whenever a user sends mail or opens and closes mail, the code checks for promote time (30 minutes interval by default). At this time it also checks for NEXTDPABSYNC time. When doing sync, the address containing a DPABRemoveRule will be removed from Recent Contacts.

      Furthermore, The DPABRemoveRule items are just strings. The code checks for an address that contains any of the strings in DPABRemoveRule. The only problem with setting user's names explicitly, is that there is a 1000 byte buffer limit for the DPABRemoveRule.