Notes.ini Entry


    STX9 (old)


    STX9 (old)=0 / 1

Applies to:



    First Release:


    Obsolete since:



      Crash, Obsolete



    UI equivalent:


    If the environment variable "STX9" is set, Notes drops the core and, consequently, exits. If the variable is not set, Notes spins until a debugger is attached or the thread is killed.

    NOTE: With release 4.13_b.8, release 4.14 beta and release 4.5, the behavior is exactly opposite. That is, the default is to drop the core. In order to spin, the "STX9" variable must be set.

    All releases after 4.14 beta and after 4.51, the default is to spin until attached to or killed. If the environment variable Debug_Enable_Core is set, the core file is generated. This means in release 4.14 and above, and in release 4.1x and release 4.52 and above, the environment variable Debug_Enable_Core's presence or lack thereof, determines whether the server will drop core or not; inherently making the debugging process more straightforward.

    NOTE: The variable STX9 is no longer used after releases 4.13 and 4.51.

    The summary table below shows this best historically.

    Summary Table
    Version of NotesDefault BehaviorEnvironment VariableResult
    4.5 ,4.13 and belowSpinSTX9=1Core
    4.13_b.8, 4.5a, 4.51CoreSTX9=1Spin
    4.14, 4.52 and aboveSpinDEBUG_ENABLE_CORE=1Core

    Note: See the Tip "The Role and How To's of Core File Generation" for further details Database 'Notes.ini', View '05 - By Category', Document 'The Role and How To's of Core File Generation'